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如何将您的 GG 帐户标记为 RakeTheRake

GG 不会重新标记旧帐户,因此为确保您在首次注册时成功标记,请遵循以下三个简单步骤。

  1. 点击上面的注册链接。
  2. 使用代码:奖励代码部分中的 GGRTR (即使它已经填写)
  3. 返回此页面并在屏幕顶部的弹出窗口中填写您的详细信息,以便我们确认标记。


每日排行榜 121,000 美元

要每天赚取 121,000 美元的奖金,只需在 GG 的 8 个每日排行榜中的任何一个中进行游戏!

每日全押或弃牌 25,000 美元排行榜

Rush & Cash Daily 25,000 美元排行榜

Spin & Gold 每日 2 万美元排行榜

德州扑克每日 2 万美元排行榜

PLO/PLO-5 每日 2 万美元排行榜

Flip&Go $5,000 排行榜

短牌 $5,000 每日排行榜

大逃杀每日 $1,000 排行榜

GGPoker rakeback

GGPoker,GG网络的旗舰扑克室,直接为您带来赌场的刺激和乐趣。 GGPoker 提供最流行的扑克变种,包括德州扑克和奥马哈,以及独特的游戏,如 Spin & Gold、Rush & Cash 和 All-In 或 Fold。

立即在 GGPoker 注册并利用他们的新玩家存款红利。 GGPoker 将匹配您的初始存款,最高可达 600 美元!然后,您可以在 RakeTheRake 注册并立即开始赚取您的回扣!

GGPokers 运行他们称之为Fish Buffet的独家且令人兴奋的返水计划,提供高达 60% 的返水– 请参阅下面的完整详情……

请注意:24 岁以下的玩家没有资格获得任何促销或奖金


GGPoker 鱼自助餐

通过赚取Fish Buffet 积分 (FP) 逐步提升Fish Buffet 级别。平均而言,玩家每支付 1 美元的佣金和费用将获得 100 FP 的奖励。


每次您“升级”时,您都会旋转 Fish Buffet 轮来确定您的奖品。


在最高级别,您可以旋转方向盘以获得高达 100% 的现金返还!



注意:由于 GDPR,如果您注册 GGPoker,我们将无法再跟踪您的抽成。

Contact support



您的每日免费赠品可用于参与激动人心的游戏,例如大逃杀Spin & Gold

高峰和现金星期五! - 双倍现金掉落

每周五与 GGTeam 一起玩 Rush & Cash,Cash Drops 将翻倍!

高达 1200BB 的现金奖励正在等待中!


  • 应该是星期五。
  • 至少一名 GGTeam 成员、GG 影响者或 GG 的其他指定朋友必须在 Rush & Cash 牌桌上玩。
  • 即使同一张牌桌有多位高手,现金掉落红利也只有 2 倍红利。


  • 第 1 步:检查是否是星期五。
  • 第 2 步:在 Rush 和 Cash Lobby 中检查 GGTeam 成员。
  • 第 3 步:点击加入按钮开始播放。
  • 第4步:如果您的餐桌上有GGTeam会员,您的现金损失将增加一倍!

每月赠品 10,000,000 美元


这个月的赠品总额高达 1000 万美元。

您可以通过参与他们的每月促销活动来获得这些赠品,包括每日免费赠品和他们在每日排行榜中的 121,000 美元。


Welcome Bonus - Up to $600 matched welcome bonus or $40 free play!

Deposit up to $600 and receive a Matched Bonus.

With a matched bonus, GGPoker matches the amount of your eligible deposit dollar-for-dollar, up to a maximum of $600.

This matched amount is credited to your bonus balance, which unlocks into cash as you play.

$1 will be unlocked for every $5 paid in net rake/tournament fees - equal to 20% rakeback.

You have 90 days to unlock your bonus balance into cash.


$40 Free Play when you Deposit $10

18+ T&C's apply

Players under 24 are not eligible for ANY promotions and bonuses

NB: This promotion is only available for selected countries, please visit the GG to see if you are eligible.

GGPoker FAQs

GGPoker’s Fish Buffet scheme is a point-reward system that awards players as they break past certain thresholds or ranks.

There are 8 different levels to work your way up: Plankton, Goldfish, Shrimp, Crab, Octopus, Whale, Platinum Shark and GGPlatinum. Each time you ‘level up’, you spin the Fish Buffet wheel and get a prize. The higher the level, the bigger the prize!

You have the option to choose between the Classic Fish Buffet or the Platinum Fish Buffet. The Classic option gives players randomised cashback each time they advance 1 rank higher, whereas Platinum Ranks gives you weekly fixed cashback at a percentage (based on rank).

At GGPoker, you could earn up to 85% cashback.

Cashback is just an exchange of player points for cash rewards based on their rank/status. This differs from rakeback as rakeback is often a fixed and pre-set amount, such as 30%, that all players get regardless of what their rank or status is.

GGPoker does not offer rakeback but they do offer cashback through their Fish Buffet scheme.

GGPoker was founded in 2004 and is owned by GG International Limited. It is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and Isle of Man Gaming License, as well as Curaçao.

GGPoker uses a Random Number Generator, which is certified by the reputable BMM Testlabs, to ensure all games are fair and random.

GGPoker currently accepts United States Dollar (USD), Pound Sterling (GBP), Brazilian Real (BRL), and Canadian Dollar (CAD) to be deposited into players accounts but this is then credited and converted into USD.


  1. 清除浏览器cookie。这对于确保将您的帐户正确跟踪到RakeTheRake非常重要。
  2. 单击此页面上的“在GGPoker处注册”按钮以访问GGPoker网站。
  3. 完成GGPoker帐户注册过程。
  4. 返回RakeTheRake并将您的GGPoker详细信息发送给我们,以便我们检查跟踪是否成功。

RakeTheRake has one active rakeback race with GGPoker.

This is the GG Network $50,000 Rake Race with GGPoker, Natural8, and BetKings. Find out more about the rakeback race here.

North America

Canada (excluding Ontario), Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, and Panama.

South America

Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela.


Albania, Belgium, Bolivia, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, and United Kingdom.


New Zealand.


Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Philippines, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.


Angola, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda.

The GGPoker app is available to download on iOS and Android devices.

iOS - 4.2

Google Play - 3.4

GGPoker offers a variety of payment methods in the form of credit and debit cards, bank transfer, and e-wallets. Most transactions will come through within a couple of days.

Some payment methods for deposit and withdrawal at GGPoker include:

  • Visa

  • Mastercard

  • AstroPay

  • ecoPayz

  • MuchBetter

  • Skrill

  • Neteller

  • Bitcoin